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How to Make the Most of Brand-New MRI Technology

MRI Technology

Company CEO of Deerfield, Dr. Michael Fox states that the very best way to diagnose accurately and efficiently it to use an upright MRI scanner.

Medical terminology can become confusing to laymen. An example of this can be found in the comparison between an  MRI vs a Cat Scan for example, which are two completely different pieces of medical equipment. Most people are not familiar with the difference. An Upright MRI scanner is the best option for diagnosing CCJ (cranio-cervical joint instability) and CM (Chiari Malformation). These two problems mean that the ligaments in the neck and the bone structure at the base of the skull can become weakened, making it uncomfortable and painful for the patient when moving their head.

If left undiagnosed, the patient could suffer more severe, long-term damage too and may be unable to turn their head or move effectively.

Because these two issues aren’t immediately noticeable when the tension isn’t on the neck, the upright MRI scanner provides a much more effective diagnosis.

What is an Upright MRI Scanner?

An upright MRI scanner is a booth-like, high-tech piece of machinery that allows the patient to step inside and sit comfortably on a seat. The diagnostic tool then takes images of the patient from all the relevant angles to gain an accurate picture of the problem. This allows for faster diagnosis as the muscle tensions and bone structure are in a more natural position.

How is an Upright MRI Scanner More Beneficial than a Traditional MRI Scanner?


The very first upright MRI scanner was developed in 1996 and the technology has improved massively since then.

The idea began when physicians found that they struggled to diagnose certain ailments on a patient because of the way the traditional scanners needed the patient to be positioned. The old horizontal scanners let the weight of the body relax onto a table, meaning that muscle tensions were natural, and it didn’t reveal the issue.

An upright scanner aimed to fix this issue. It also has a number of other benefits:

  • Lessens Anxiety

Patients often suffer from anxiety when it comes to visiting the doctor. Laying in a metal tube can make the patient feel vulnerable and can increase the anxiety they feel. However, the upright position makes them feel a little more in control and at ease.

  • Helps with Claustrophobia

Patients who struggle with claustrophobia often avoid MRI scans because of the feeling of being closed in. The upright position removes this issue as they feel more comfortable and more easily able to leave the situation if they need to.

  • Saves Space

MRI scanners of the past used to take up an entire room because of their inconvenient shape. The upright MRI scanners utilize the vertical space, so you can fit one into a smaller room if

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